
9 Avoidable Issues that Could Be Damaging Your Lawn This Autumn

9 Avoidable Issues that Could Be Damaging Your Lawn This Autumn

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So, you’ve bought your perfect Hyundai lawn mower, you’ve kept your lawn neat and maintained over the spring and summer seasons and maybe even fertilised your lawn to keep it looking at its best – but, now autumn is well underway and your previously perfect lawn isn't looking how it did a few months ago. 

Keep reading to see 9 possible issues that could be damaging your lawn and how these can be fixed to get your grass looking lush and green again in no time at all.

1. Lawns with flooded areas

If some parts of your lawn tend to fill with water and then subsequently kill your grass, this is down to drainage issues. This could be due to either compacted soil beneath the grass or thatch or moss growth on top of your grass, which both stop water and nutrients being able to be absorbed by your lawn.

If you have this issue, your solution comes in the form of our Hyundai Scarifiers/Aerators. We offer both petrol and corded electric options, depending on your preference.

During scarifying, stainless steel scarifying tines enter the ground to remove any compacted soil, as well as moss, thatch and weeds. Once this moss, weed and other disfiguring dead matter are removed, the lawn can breathe and will once again be able to absorb nourishing substances, oxygen and water.

The best time of the year to scarify your garden is autumn, so you still have time to do so!

2. Lawns that don't get enough sun

A common issue this time of year, a garden which is primarily in shade for the majority of the day and not soaking up the brief hours of sunlight we now have, could result in damage to your lawn.

If surrounding shrubs or trees are covering your lawn, you can try pruning branches to see if that will bring a few more precious sun rays to your lawn. 

Pro tip: If you have an area of your garden that is always in shade, you should consider perhaps putting a shed or compost bin in that area instead of grass.

3. Lawns with high footfall

High footfall can wear down your grass, making it thin and patchy, which can result in a mud bath very quickly this time of year!

If you have a patch of garden that is walked over regularly, you have two options - either you can put in a path and have that as a dedicated walking space or you can try to encourage grass regrowth by getting people to walk a different way.

Ensure to regularly move garden furniture around the garden to reduce patchy grass growth underneath, whether from lack of sunlight or from feet causing damage to the lawn.

4. Lawns mown when the grass is still wet

Have you done the last grass cut of the year yet?

Mowing your grass when it is too wet can cause damage to your lawn.

Not only can wet grass put strain on your mower and be a real handful to clean up, it also produces an inconsistent cutting height and rather than a clean cut, your mower will tear at grass blades. These tears, along with the moisture of your wet lawn, leave your grass at risk of fungal diseases.

Alongside this, the messy, clumpy grass cuttings left around your mower can go mouldy if not cleaned away, and this mould can then spread to your lawn.

Another point to note is that your mower’s wheels can harm your lawn when grass is wet; they can sink down into the moist soil and leave ruts in the surface, or maybe even cause the soil to become compacted.

5. Lawns with bald patches on higher spots

If you’ve got an uneven garden, you can run the risk of scalping your grass if you set your cutting height too low.

The remedy for this is simple: raise your mower deck by an inch or so to get a uniform cut across your lawn.

6. Lawns mown with blunt mower blades

Blunt blades on your mower can leave you with an uneven cut and, like when mowing a wet lawn, will tear at the grass rather than cutting it, which leaves your lawn open to disease.

Did you know that we stock replacement blades for all of the mowers we sell? Get in touch with us to find out more.

7. Lawns regularly used by dogs

Your four-legged friend brings you nothing but joy, but he could also be bringing harm to your lawn.

Your dog urinating on your lawn can build up an excess of nitrogen, which could become a problem if he has a favourite spot to use on your grass. It’s similar to using fertiliser every few hours on one area of your grass – it’s going to kill it dead.

But fear not, Fido; there are a few ways this issue can be resolved.

You can encourage your dog to drink more water which will dilute this nitrogen or feed your dog canned food which is less likely to become a problem for your grass. You can also water where your dog goes to the toilet on your lawn, which will wash away nitrogen build-ups.

8. Lawns filled with leaves

A common problem in autumn is fallen leaves taking over your lawn.

Leaving these leaves to rot for even just a few days can cause huge damage to your grass, as rotting leaves can spread this mould over to your grass. Also, grass that doesn’t receive light for 6-7 days will start to die back.

Our Hyundai leaf blowers are the ideal solution for this. We offer both electric and petrol options.

9. Tackling floods in your garden

If you've been unfortunate enough to experience flooding in your garden, then it could be worth considering a water pump to be prepared for future floods. We have many to choose from depending on your needs, from electric and domestic style pumps, to petrol and diesel units for commercial uses. Take a look at our water pump range to see which one is right for your garden.

We hope you’ve found this guide helpful and remember: if you need any further buying advice then our team of experts is on-hand to help you - just get in touch!

For expert advice or any questions you may have, you can give us a call on 01646 687880, fill out the contact form here or drop us a message on any of our social media pages - FacebookInstagram or Twitter.

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