20v MAX Range

Our 20v cordless garden machinery range includes a grass trimmer, hedge trimmer, leaf blower, pole hedge trimmer, pole saw, and chainsaw - a complete cordless collection for total garden maintenance.

Every item in this fantastic new range is powered by the same 20v battery. Charging from flat to full in just 70 minutes, our 20v Hyundai battery-powered garden machinery offers the best of both worlds – all the freedom of petrol garden machinery and the low maintenance requirements of electric garden machinery.

What’s so great about this 20v range is that it doesn’t just feature garden machinery, but also includes a variety of cordless 20v power tools (powered by the same 20v battery) which will be launching very soon.

Whether you’re looking to keep your garden neat and tidy or get stuck into some DIY, Hyundai’s brand new 20v range has got you covered!

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